March 8, 2012

Changing Time

         Have you ever imagined, how fast can a normal day fall into the list of the most horrendous days of your life. You wake up in the morning expecting everything to be fine and go ahead with your daily routine but end up with an anti-climax.

         That day too started so well even I expected it to be not more than a normal mundane day. Woke up after ten snooze, dragged myself to the loo with a bad hangover and their again slept off for another ten minutes. A glance at the watch and then started the running process, I ran out to catch a bus though I knew I won’t make it to the interview.

         With i-pod plugged in my head I sat in one corner of the bus, blocking myself from the world. The bus stopped suddenly with a bang, I was pretty sure it was an accident and time to scoot. I got out of the bus saw a glimpse of two people lying on the road, the couple looks pretty old, never even bothered to check what exactly happened. Here comes another bus, I don't want to take a chance, quickly jumped into it. I noticed a guy staring at me, an old man in his late 60's or 70's, sitting in a corner. His face looks peaceful but his eyes spoke a lot. His looks made me feel guilty for not helping the old couple. But I'm helpless, this interview is more important for me. As I reached my stop I got off from my seat gave a quick glance at the old guy, he kept staring at me. With no time to bother, I walked off.

         Somehow I managed to reach on time.  Gave my best shot and got through the interview. I walked out with the confidence to face the world. After several failed attempts, it’s my time to prove my parents I'm not worthless. I'll make a fortune out of my life. Phone started ringing breaking the silence of my day dream.

'Hello…hello…where are you?'
 ’Hello Uncle! What happened? Why you sound so tensed?'
'It's hard for me to explain... (weeping) Your dad...he ...he is no more... (weeping)  met with an accident today, come to CM hospital urgently'

Beep... Beep…

Couldn't take the shock, I got frozen. The world came to an end with a deafening silence.

 My dad would have been alive now, if only one of the passengers took him to hospital  but then it was his fate to bleed to death in the middle of a rushy road. I could never walk pass by any accident ruthlessly how I used to be after my dad's death. Whenever I see someone in accident I see my dad lying on the road pleading for help. I can't change the world, but can change myself. Nothing is more important than saving a life.

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does
-William James