June 25, 2014

Balance of two...

If you observe life, two brings balance. Hold! I'm not just talking about weighing scale. Let's think beyond that...

At an intersection when one is waiting for the green signal...on the contradictory someone is waiting for the red signal.

At a bus stop when one reached his destination point, someone has just began his journey from the same point. That is at the end of everything something originates, similarly death and life starts at the single point.  The whole world is wired in a loop with a perfect of balance of two.

Why do we have two ears, why do we have two eyes, why is our mouth split into two? If you go even more in depth…two hands, two legs, two lungs, two kidneys, two sides to both brain and heart. The balance of two is the completion of a cycle.

Observe the world around you everything revolves in the chemistry of two. Negative and positive, electron and proton, carbon dioxide and oxygen, male and female. Even to start a fire you need the friction of two. Balance of two is the mother of creation and destruction.

Look at the trees, superficially their balance seems to be just on the trunk. But if you go in depth, the power house of their balance is the combination of two ends the roots and the leaves... even leaves stay in harmony with the balance of two.

Your existence itself is the magic two.

June 10, 2014

Dance of the souls!

Well, sometimes we start things which we can't stop and that's exactly what happened when I first met him. Before even I could realize I fell into his magical realm and I couldn't resist myself. Everything around me started glowing and magnified in beauty. My heart sparkled like never before and wave after wave I was slowly drifting away to something unknown. It was time to take that leap of faith and I was ready for the free fall.

Every time we locked our hearts, we felt that stream of magic flowing between us. Our souls tangled up to create a new rhythm where we danced in love swaying back and forth. He became my wildfire and burnt down my walls. He took my hands and showed me the world through his eyes. He was in me and I was in him. We time traveled in our dreams to create wonders. 

Our jigsaw puzzle hearts fit perfectly to complete our love story. We were like two streams originated somewhere unknown followed the destiny of life to become one.  And we started our bumpy ride with all its 
twists & turns creating eddies of love & war. 

My eyes have lost its brightness, my heart has grown weak, and my memories faded away with time. But my soul fires up in the mystery of love when I cling to his wrinkled up hands. The man, who came into my crazy world and held me tight in his arm.

June 9, 2014

Kiss of Love!

I'm sure the title either excited you or bored you yet again. I'm in a hunt to understand 'Love'... There used to be a time I believed 'love' is the intensified high you get from your lover. Today, when I turn back I want to laugh at myself... how stupid of me to think like that. I found 'love' in tress, birds, animals, places, nature and finally in the important person that is 'me'. I never knew, I could find love and happiness from within till that moment when I got this strong gush of happiness... that took me off from my feet and I started floating higher. Sounds crazy?! I know anyone who hears me now might think that. 

Do you realize that the world has gone bonkers not knowing what the reality is, I feel the whole world is in a bubble of illusion and they cut themselves of from the reality... In their unrealistic realm they are headless chickens running behind a piece of paper that sets their parameters... that piece of paper that builds their dreams and at the same time ruins your peace... People have forgotten to live life... they just exist... deep within their souls are chained and is screaming...  To satisfy the hunger of the restless soul people made another illusion within an illusion and named it 'love'. When the restless beastly soul screams in hunger they open their lustful eyes and draw a sword on another soul and suck all their energy... and call it 'love'. And in some cases two souls come together not to connect but suck energy from each other. And yet again they called it 'love'. And finally all these souls circles in the vicious spiral of life. Oh you mere humans! Open your eyes and look at the world... Come out from your illusion and see the beauty around.

I connect my soul with god, he guides me, nurtures me, enlightens me, shows me the way of light. I keep my eyes high on him. The nature and this big unexplainable universe everything is his amazing magic. He puts my heart on fire and pain to teach me life... And he shows me the essence of god that lies in me and named it 'love'.