February 15, 2012

Being Insane!

 Being Insane!

           Roaming the street wondering why I feel dead when I’m supposed to be partying and enjoying the success of my career. More money and respect, what else should I ask for.

      Sleepless nights...endless conversations...planning and re-planning...confusions and disappointments... quarrels and convictions. Finally here I'm successfully out of the mess with a promotion however the question still remains the same.

Why am I doing this? For what? For whom?
      I can see my life, still in a mess with all of its imperfections perfectly blended. I wish the world to end now; I have no strength to face tomorrow.

    A dog eat dog world wrapped in glamour and luxury is waiting to grab me but here I am waiting for a chance to get out of this rat-race to enjoy the eternal beauty of life.