May 26, 2014

The Voice in my head!

 I just sat silently in a corner of the office. My mind is loud, louder than the chaos around me. Today I didn't hear the rhythmic chanting of the keyboard, intervening siren of the phone, disgruntling rush to meet the deadline, unapologetic screams by the clients and the random whispers of aggression & frustration well-crafted in a thread of gossips. I kept staring at my reflection on the blank screen frantically trying to stop my thoughts.

The voice within started growing from a whisper to loud roar. It's jabbering things beyond my understanding. I couldn't resist the inexorable force, I remained silent...

"Define yourself and stop confining within boundaries, the good earth is rich and we are so provided... open your eyes and wake up to see the truth... you are just a tiny entity in this whole wide universe, you are an energy that has taken shape in human form... you have a purpose to accomplish! You have all the power, all the strength, all the weakness, all the good, all the evil within YOU. The energy in you is a particle of God... you can use it as the tool of creation or destruction, you can empower it or demean it. To understand and complete your purpose in life, you need to enlighten and evolve along with the energy to the next realm. And for that you need to stop expressing life and start experiencing life. Define who you are and re-design life, you are not your money, you are not your looks, you are not your lifestyle, you are who you create. Experiencing life more and more will help you understand who you are. Look around you, can't you see what you were taught is wrong, can't you see the world around you is like dead people talking. You too were dead just like them but now you are on the verge of awakening... when you are awaken more, you start experiencing life more .. you start enjoying life through all your senses... even eating food becomes a process of meditation where you enjoy the sense of smell, taste, texture, color you'll hear the crunch of that first bite.. Each emotions in you will form a rhythm to bring a perfect symphony... travel more ...  explore more... let each experience guide your evolution ...'

'WHAT THE FUCK?! You still haven't send that email.’ a loud scream pointed my way breaking the voice in my head.

I stood up to see those intimidating gaze which didn't scare me any more.
 'I'm awake, it’s time to create my story, wake up people... wake up!’ I smiled at everyone and walked out of the door for the last time.

May 23, 2014

Being An Addict!

We all are addicts! Life is a journey of addiction from one form of addiction to another. We don't realize it… do we? People with similar addiction get along to create an ecosystem or community and they name it as an 'interest'. And some don't want to share their madness and keep that little box to themselves. Ha! You thought addiction was only for dope heads or junkies, you thought it was only for an alcoholic or a chain smoker? You are wrong because you too are an addict. Yes, you read it right ‘You are An Addict’

 Don't u get addicted to love, don't u get addicted to money, don't u get addicted to lust, don't you get addicted to religion, don't you get addicted to work, don't you get addicted to happiness, don't you get addicted to food, don't you get addicted to depression... The list goes on, ask yourself aren't you an addict? Isn't that addiction giving you a high to move forward? We were born free but as we grow in life we ought to get addicted to something or other for survival. Our addiction change as we evolve... our addictions become our face... You see, there's a thin line that connects and shrinks the whole world to one big ball of reality and that mysterious thread is ‘addiction’. That eccentric in you and I make all of us the same. Addition is not a disease, it is a way of life.  So open up... face the reality!

What is your addiction today?